Feb 22, 2021
Feb 22, 2021

Air Emissions Position Paper Webinar

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ZDHC broaden its scope of work to address the management of air emissions within the textile, apparel, leather and footwear industry to recognise the impact that air emissions of hazardous chemicals may have in communities and the environment.

On 13 January, ZDHC published the ZDHC Air Emissions Position Paper, which resulted from the collaborative effort that included representatives from relevant stakeholder groups to minimise air pollution across the textile, apparel, leather and footwear value chain.

“The release of this Air Emissions Position Paper is an important milestone for the Roadmap to Zero Programme because it addresses another potential pathway of hazardous chemicals reaching the environment. ” Scott Echols, Senior Director, Roadmap to Zero Programme

In light of the ZDHC Air Emission Position Paper release, ZDHC is hosting a live webinar to all interested individuals: