Textile Machinery Manufacturers Engagement journey

Textile Machinery Manufacturers Engagement journey

Driving innovation through sustainable machinery and new technologies

Embark on a journey with ZDHC by becoming a ZDHC signatory to bring new technologies and innovations to the textile industry! The Textile Machinery Manufacturers Engagement Journey is a space for Textile Machinery Manufacturers to come together, share best practices, and engage with their supply chains in the ZDHC Committed Community.

Join the community
Share best practices, learn from your peers, and replicate and scale the innovations that are already being implemented by textile machinery manufacturers.

Start your journey 
Reduce the ecological footprint and improve worker safety while having a positive impact on the environment through new efficiencies and products.

Get Recognised 
Become ZDHC signatory and get connected with the ZDHC Signatory Community and find a showcase for your innovations in the textile, leather and footwear industries. 

An engagement pathway for Textile Machinery Manufacturers

What impact can we create together?

Common Goals: It aligns machinery manufacturers with the global mission for cleaner, safer production practices.

Innovation Hub: Offers a collaborative space to develop technologies that meet ZDHC’s established environmental standards.

Enhanced Visibility: Elevates machinery manufacturers in the eyes of brands seeking sustainable solutions, boosting market presence.

Credibility Boost: ZDHC participation signals a deep commitment to sustainability, enhancing trust among potential clients.

Networking Opportunities: Opens doors to forge valuable partnerships with industry leaders committed to eco-friendly practices.

Shape Industry Standards: Engage in setting the benchmarks for future sustainable practices in machinery manufacturing.

What are the challenges?

Chemicals: machines that eliminate hazardous chemicals in fashion production, opening new eco-friendly markets.

Water Conservation: Water-efficient technologies to reduce the industry's water use.

Emission Reduction: Low-emission machinery, setting new sustainability standards.

Energy Efficiency: Energy-saving machines that cut costs and carbon footprints.

Waste Reduction: Design for minimal waste, maximising resource efficiency.

Recyclability: Material recycling with cutting-edge machinery, championing the circular economy.

What are the opportunities?

Align Innovations with ZDHC: Develop machinery that supports ZDHC's sustainable chemical management framework and tap into a market of eco-conscious brands.

Promote Water Efficiency: Showcase water-saving technologies in line with ZDHC’s water stewardship goals, attracting sustainability-focused partners.

Showcase Emission Reduction: Demonstrate leadership with low-emission machines, aligning with global sustainability efforts and ZDHC objectives.

Differentiate with Energy Efficiency: Offer energy-efficient machines as a market differentiator, appealing to brands aiming to cut costs and carbon footprints.

Support Circular Economy: Design for minimal waste and recyclability, aligning with ZDHC’s circular economy goals and fostering industry partnerships.

Engage in Collaboration: Join ZDHC to collaborate and connect with a network committed to sustainable textile & leather production.

Large implementation base and thriving community 

Brand & Retailer community, covering a  large percentage of of the global fashion & footwear industry

Our Global Textile industry includes 5.200+ facilities, targeting to grow to 12.000  over next 3 years

Over 1.4000 chemical manufacturers from the global Chemical industry have joined ZDHC today

Largest global database of sustainable chemistry

The ZDHC Gateway includes nearly 46.000 safer alternative chemical products

Publicly available resources are the key to our success to drive large-scale industry-wide implementation

The Roadmap to Zero Programme publishes global guidelines 

The ZDHC Implementation HUB provides extensive implementation tools & solutions

Supplier to Zero programme offers solutions, training and experts. 

The Programme

Entry criteria

Basis of sustainable manufacturing practices basis of any of following evidence of management certification schemes such as ISO 14001, ISO 14044 or ISO 50001 or any comparable management schemes.

ZDHC is working with Textile Machinery Manufacturers on the development of a new Signatory Textile Machinery Manufacturers category within our Signatory Committed Community. For more information, please contact us at contribute@zdhc.org. Interested in becoming a signatory? Then fill out our survey and we will contact you.

Start Your Journey

Join the Roadmap to Zero Programme to commit to a sustainable future for fashion

Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > ZDHC guidelines, platforms and trainings

The freely available ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) is a single list of chemical substances banned from intentional use during manufacturing processes. To support the implementation of this list we provide the industry with a set of supporting guidelines, a ZDHC Chemical Management System and the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines to ensure a holistic input, process and output management.

Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Access to the ZDHC Gateway

The ZDHC Gateway is available for the ZDHC Community and their supply chain.

Become a Friend


Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Become a Friend

Friends of ZDHC are organisations who align with ZDHC’s mission, vision and purpose. They can also access ZDHC Solutions and Platforms, which helps them to fast-track their own sustainability programmes.

Friends of ZDHC - General Eligibility Requirements

To apply to becoming a Friend of ZDHC, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Become a ZDHC Signatory Brand

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Contributor. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Contributor, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 3/3


Chemical Formulators > ZDHC Gateway

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With the ZDHC Gateway Chemical formulators can prove ZDHC MRSL conformance for their products which helps to position as a leader in reducing hazardous chemical use. ZDHC InCheck is an easy-to-read chemical inventory report. It provides an overall score of ZDHC MRSL conformance for all products in the inventory and shows where improvements can be made.

Request Gateway access

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Step 3/3


Chemical Formulators > Become a ZDHC Signatory Chemical Formulator

Expand details

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates.
All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Signatory. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Signatory, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 2/3



ZDHC provides guidance and tools for manufacturing facilities on how to meet ZDHC Signatory Brand requirements and provides the Textile, Apparel, Leather or Footwear Industry with a central library of chemical formulations that conform to the ZDHC MRSL.

The Roadmap to Zero Programme


InCheck Report


ClearStream Report


Use our free material


Supplier to Zero


Participate in the Programme


Step 3/3

Suppliers > Learn more about the ZDHC Programme

The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme guides value chains towards a sustainable use of safer chemistry.Safer chemical inputs make a big difference, as long as they are used the right way and when good procedures and best practice are in place, outputs become cleaner, and process works. Measuring indicators such as, wastewater, sludge and air quality validates the work that is being done with chemical inputs and processes. It helps to determine if the output water and air is safer. Our solutions help the industry to transform their value chains.

Step 4/4


Suppliers -  Become a ZDHC Signatory Supplier

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Signatory. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Signatory, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 2/3


Solution Provider

Our Approved Solution Providers are linked to the ZDHC data infrastructure via an API and seamlessly connect to the unique ZDHC platforms. As a solution provider you gain access to ZDHC Gateway infrastructure, an exclusive implementation expert network and access to the brand customer base.

Step 3/4


Solution Provider - Be an Implementation Partner

To maximise impact, we scale our efforts with Implementation Partners who have the know-how - based on years of expertise and ZDHC knowledge - to fast-track chemical management programmes.
As an Implementation Partner of ZDHC you can seamlessly integrate your services with ZDHC's implementation tools and guidance. By this you can accelerate your business and gain new customers.

Step 4/4


Solution Provider - Become an Implementation Partner

Scale up your expertise and solutions by being an Implementation Partner and seamlessly integrate your services with ZDHC's implementation tools and guidance. 

Step 3/3


Become a ZDHC Signatory Approved Solution Provider

Certified standards can indicate a chemical product's conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. Acceptance is awarded at four different levels. Boost the impact of your certified standard. Apply, then follow the steps to earn ZDHC Accepted status.
ZDHC MRSL Conformance Indicatorsreceive exclusive access to the ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module and gain the ability to certify against the ZDHC MRSL.

Step 3/3


Become a ZDHC Signatory Approved Solution Provider

ZDHC Accepted Wastewater Laboratories deliver and verify wastewater and sludge testing data. Make your lab part of this global effort to drive transparency in the industry.
ZDHC Wastewater Testing Laboratories receive exclusive access to the ZDHC Gateway: Wastewater Module to upload any test against the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.

Step 3/3


Solution Provider - Become a ZDHC Contributor

Currently not possible as this category is on hold.

Step 2/3


Want to participate in the ZDHC Programme and help to develop guidelines, solutions and platforms.

Step 3/3

Associate - Become a Contributor

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Contributor. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Contributor, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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