Chinese below
In the Roadmap to Zero Programme, sustainable chemical management is the main topic. What’s the brand's sustainable chemical management strategy? During the implementation of ZDHC guidelines, ZDHC CheckTools are critical to measure a supplier’s compliance to the ZDHC MRSL (InCheck) and also to the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines (Clearstream). How to improve the ZDHC CheckTool compliance rate has become a main focus in this. ZDHC invites brand and chemical company representatives to share their experiences, strategy and practices on sustainable chemical management, as well as implementation findings and solutions to support suppliers to improve their ZDHC CheckTools compliance rate.
- Section I: 20 Oct, 1:30pm - 2:30pm (CST) Dialogue with ZDHC Signatory Brand;
- Section II: 20 Oct, 3:30pm - 4:40pm (CST) Dialogue with Chemical Companies;
- Section III: 21Oct, 1:30pm - 2:30pm (CST) Dialogue with ZDHC Signatory Brand;
- Section IV: 21 Oct, 3:30pm - 4:40pm (CST) Dialogue with Chemical Companies.
Register on time!
Once you have completed your registration, you can find your ‘access ticket’ for the Virtual Environment under My Bookings. Please note that you will only be able to access the platform from 19 to 23 October to familiarise yourself with the ZDHC Virtual Environment and watch videos. Before that the platform is disabled and you won’t be able to access it.
Register Now
Who can attend?
- All Suppliers (e.g. dyeing mills, printing mills, washing mills, etc.)
- Brands and Retailers
- Brands’ importers and trading companies.
- CMTs
- All Chemical Companies
- Open to public: Others who are interested in this topic.
Location: ZDHC Virtual Environment
Language: Chinese
Ticket Price: Free of charge
Schedule: Download
在实现有害化学物质零排放项目过程中,可持续化学品是整个供应链的主旋律。品牌商的可持续化学品战略是什么?在ZDHC计划执行过程中, ZDHC检查工具对于衡量供应商输入端化学品MRSL合规性(InCheck报告)和输出端合规表现(Clearstream报告)至关重要。如何提高ZDHC检具工具符合性比例是供应链一直关注的焦点。ZDHC将邀请品牌分享其可持续化学品和化学品管理战略和实践,并邀请化学品公司分享ZDHC项目执行发现以及提供解决方案,以支持供应商提高ZDHC检测工具的符合性比例。
- 第I部分:2020年10月20日,13:30-14:30, 对话ZDHC缔约品牌
- 第II部分:2020年10月20日,15:30-16:40,对话化学品公司
- 第III部分:2020年10月21日,13:30-14:30,对话ZDHC缔约品牌
- 第IV部分:2020年10月21日,15:30-16:40,对话化学品公司
会议方式:在线 | 如何参会?ZDHC将于10月15日前通知所有报名者。
- 所有的供应商(如染厂,印花厂,水洗厂等)
- 品牌商和零售商
- 品牌进口商和贸易商
- 成品商
- 化学品公司
- 开放大众:其他对该话题感兴趣者。
请点击右上方「Book Event(预定会议)」进行注册。一旦您完成了您的注册,您可以在「My Account(我的账户)」里的「My Bookings(我的预定)」中找到您已注册的在线会议。