An important element of the value chain

Fibres are an important part of the value chain. Therefore it’s a logical next step for ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme to include fibre production processes and their raw materials. In 2018, the scope of the Programme extended to include the production of Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF). This is the first fibre production area included in the Programme. More materials will be added in the future.

Global viscose production is growing fast, which is why the initial focus is on Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF; including viscose, modal and lyocell). MMCFs are produced from natural feedstock like wood or plants, using hazardous chemicals. Within the production process of viscose and modal, particularly where that’s not an integrated (closed loop) process, chemicals react with the cellulose. This creates by-products, which can be released into the air, water and soil, so we’ve been working to tackle the issue.

An 2018 industry expert report commissioned by ZDHC concluded that restricting chemicals via the ZDHC MRSL approach would not work. The restrictions would halt most MMCF production processes. We would achieve most impact by collaboratively setting guidance around good chemical management and limits for wastewater, sludge, and air emissions during fibre production. At the same time ZDHC can continue researching MMCF production processes using less hazardous chemicals.

In March 2018, ZDHC hosted the first multi-stakeholder MMCF roundtable with representatives from approximately 80% of the global MMCF production. Several ZDHC Signatory Brands attended, including C&A, Coop Switzerland, Esprit, Inditex, H&M, M&S, Primark, PVH Corp and F&F, as well as Value Chain Affiliates Lenzing Group, BIRLA CELLULOSE, Sateri, Canopy, Textile Exchange, Bluesign and the China Chemical Fibers Association (CCFA), the Collaboration for Sustainable Development of Viscose (CV) and the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles. 

The roundtable agreed that ZDHC should lead a collaboration to develop a framework of guidelines for wastewater, sludge, waste and air emissions specific to MMCF production, and expectations for process by-product recovery rates. The guidelines will, for now, focus on MMCF production. Dissolving pulp production processes will be considered at a later stage.

Proving ZDHC MRSL conformance

A chemical conforms to the ZDHC MRSL when it does not contain substances that are listed on the ZDHC MRSL at levels above the set MRSL limits. Sourcing and managing chemicals so that only those formulations meeting the MRSL are used helps to reduce their environmental impact. 

The ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance offers a recognised, credible way to prove how well a chemical product conforms to ZDHC MRSL standards. It helps chemical formulators to measure and prove that conformance to their customers.

Measuring ZDHC MRSL Conformance

There are three levels of ZDHC MRSL conformance. Higher levels of conformance mean more confidence in the consistency of ZDHC MRSL conformance and better evaluation of product stewardship systems at a chemical manufacturer through a ZDHC accepted certification body.

ZDHC MRSL Conformance Levels 1-3 give a confidence rating that this requirement would be met consistently. The higher the level the more confidence there is that the chemical formulation will meet the latest version of ZDHC MRSL requirements. This is because more information is known about the chemical formulation and the chemical formulator at higher conformance levels.

Third party evaluations

Independent, third-party evaluations confirm a chemical company’s claims regarding ZDHC MRSL conformance. This provides extra clarity and reassurance on how well a chemical formulation meets ZDHC MRSL requirements.  

ZDHC MRSL Level 3 Conformance: Interim Virtual Audit Guidance

Due to global travel restrictions and health concerns, the ZDHC has had to review how to ensure ZDHC MRSL Level 3 Audits are still possible. The ZDHC MRSL Implementation Task Team has worked to create an Interim Process to describe how these Level 3 Audits are possible during the travel limitations. This Interim Process will be effective until at least 1 January 2021. At that point, the Task Team will re-evaluate the COVID-19 situation and recommend extending, amending or dismantling the procedure.

Proving ZDHC MRSL conformance

A chemical conforms to the ZDHC MRSL when it does not contain substances that are listed on the ZDHC MRSL at levels above the set MRSL limits. Sourcing and managing chemicals so that only those formulations meeting the MRSL are used helps to reduce their environmental impact.

The ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance offers a recognised, credible way to prove how well a chemical product conforms to ZDHC MRSL standards. It helps chemical formulators to measure and prove that conformance to their customers.

Measuring ZDHC MRSL Conformance

There are three levels of ZDHC MRSL conformance. Higher levels of conformance mean more confidence in the consistency of ZDHC MRSL conformance and better evaluation of product stewardship systems at a chemical manufacturer through a ZDHC accepted certification body.

ZDHC MRSL Conformance Levels 1-3 give a confidence rating that this requirement would be met consistently. The higher the level the more confidence there is that the chemical formulation will meet the latest version of ZDHC MRSL requirements. This is because more information is known about the chemical formulation and the chemical formulator at higher conformance levels.

Third party evaluations

Independent, third-party evaluations confirm a chemical company’s claims regarding ZDHC MRSL conformance. This provides extra clarity and reassurance on how well a chemical formulation meets ZDHC MRSL requirements.

Increased transparency worldwide

As well as helping companies take control of the chemicals they use, the ZDHC MRSL contributes to knowledge within the industry. As chemical companies converge on the ZDHC MRSL, it increases visibility on substances being used throughout the industry.

ZDHC MRSL Level 3 Conformance: Interim Virtual Audit Guidance

Due to global travel restrictions and health concerns, the ZDHC has had to review how to ensure ZDHC MRSL Level 3 Audits are still possible. The ZDHC MRSL Implementation Task Team has worked to create an Interim Process to describe how these Level 3 Audits are possible during the travel limitations. This Interim Process will be effective until at least 1 January 2021. At that point, the Task Team will re-evaluate the COVID-19 situation and recommend extending, amending or dismantling the procedure.

ZDHC Accepted Certification Standards

Certification standards are widely used to measure the conformance of chemical products. Rather than creating yet another standard, we decided to leverage the existing ones.

We do this by measuring how well a standard can indicate a chemical product's conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. Certified standards can be accepted by ZDHC to certify a product's performance at one of ZDHC's four conformance levels.

Products certified by these standards are directly verified and officially ranked within the ZDHC Gateway – Chemical Module.

How to become a ZDHC Accepted Certification Standard
- Apply online
- ZDHC reviews your application and may contact you for any feedback
- When your application is approved you sign a formal acceptance letter
- ZDHC publicly announces the acceptance and adds your organisation to the list
- You can then start certifying chemical formulations in line with the conformance indicator level you are approved for

Become a ZDHC Accepted Certification Standard
Click here

Safer chemicals

A good start transforms the end result.

A paradigm shift is happening throughout the value chain. By managing chemical inputs, we
want to ensure safer products, cleaner water and fresher air. That will truly benefit both people and planet. Our solutions help the industry to transform their value chains.

zdhc MRSL

The ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List

As part of the open approach we take, our door is always open for new information. The ZDHC Submission platform is part of this two-way communication. It's a channel to gather new submission to amend a limit, propose a new substance or a process that should be added to the ZDHC MRSL or the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. If we are missing information, we want to know about it. This platform will allow people to submit their suggestions quickly and easily.

supportive Document

ZDHC MRSL Update Principles and Procedures

The ZDHC MRSL is regularly updated with new chemicals and processes that should be phased out of the supply chain. We want to ensure those updates are always done in a transparent, consistent way. So we created this guidelines document to keep everything on track. It explains the process of how we update the ZDHC MRSL.

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supportive Tool

Submission Platform

As part of the open approach we take, our door is always open for new information. The ZDHC Submission platform is part of this two-way communication. It's a channel to gather new submission to amend a limit, propose a new substance or a process that should be added to the ZDHC MRSL or the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. If we are missing information, we want to know about it. This platform will allow people to submit their suggestions quickly and easily.

SubmitMore info
supportive document

ZDHC MRSL Industry Standard Implementation Approach

Collaboration is a key success factor when implementing the ZDHC MRSL. We’ve identified four key stakeholder types that play a key role: Certification Bodies, “Chemical” Formulators, Facilities/Suppliers and Brands/Retailers. By implementing in a collaborative, connected way, these stakeholders can reduce the impact of the implementation efforts. This document provides a standard approach to help achieve this.

supportive document

Performance InCheck Guidelines

The ZDHC InCheck Report (Inventory Check) helps a supplier to check their chemical inventory against the ZDHC MRSL Accepted Certifications in the ZDHC Gateway. This helps the Supplier to improve their chemical management practices. The InCheck Guidelines contain all necessary information for the industry regarding the Performance InCheck Report.

supportive document

ZDHC Commodity Chemicals Guide

Commodity chemicals are within the scope of the ZDHC MRSL, but are excluded from the Performance Incheck Report. This is due to the challenge of engaging the commodity chemicals industry in the ZDHC Gateway and populating these products in the ZDHC Gateway database of ZDHC MRSL conformant products.
Commodity chemicals tend to be low priced, and easily replaced with another similar product without any need for specific process change. They are not expected to remain on the finished article, but to be washed off in processing, putting the risk on wastewater and sludge quality. Being sold in pure form it is unlikely that they are a ZDHC MRSL intentional addition.

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A holistic approach to managing commodity chemicals

ZDHC has created this Commodity Chemicals Guide V1.0 to:

  1. Provide a list of commodity chemicals that should be responsibly managed as part of the ZDHC input chemical management implementation.
  2. Classify the ZDHC list of commodity chemicals into ‘virgin’ and ‘non-virgin’ chemicals for assessing ZDHC MRSL risks.
  3. Advise on best practices to:
    1. Evaluate commodity chemical sellers for ZDHC MRSL risks as part of purchasing decisions by suppliers.
    2. Storage, handling and transportation precautions for specific commodity chemicals.
  4. Details Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for ZDHC MRSL non-conformities in wastewater test reports as per the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.

Expectations for the ZDHC Community

Brands are expected to share this guide with their supply chain, with the request to suppliers to embed best practices for managing commodity chemicals within their facilities.

Suppliers should familiarise themselves with this guide and implement best practices commodity chemical vendor evaluation as well as storage and handling.


ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance

This document outlines the requirements for indicating ZDHC MRSL conformance. It shows how confident we are that a chemical formulation would always conform. That's useful information for chemical formulators wanting to make safer products. Because ZDHC Accepted Certification Standards are used to indicate conformance, this document also shows those standards how to earn ZDHC acceptance.

supportive document

Virtual Audit Guidance

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Conformance Levels

Level 3

Onsite assessment of chemical hazard assessment capability plus evidence that Level 1 and Level 2 requirements are fulfilled.

Level 3
A visit to a chemical supplier site
Level 2
Product Steward
Level 1
Conducting document reviews or tests
Level 0
A supplier declaration

Conformance Levels

Level 3

Requires all the elements of MRSL Conformance Level 2 and a site visit to chemical supplier to evaluate product stewardship.

Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3
A visit to a chemical supplier site
Level 2
Product Steward
Level 1
Conducting document reviews or tests
Level 0
A supplier declaration
supportive standards

ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifiers

Rather than creating our own certification standard, it makes more sense to leverage those already available in the market. We do that by awarding ZDHC Approved Status. To earn approval, a certifier will be thoroughly assessed. We will see how well it indicates a formulation's conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. Those listed below have earned ZDHC Approval.

Please review the list of ZDHC MRSL V2.0 accepted
Conformance Indicators to find a Conformance Indicator.
Become a ZDHC Accepted Certification Standard or Testing Lab.
More info
Supportive Platform

Chemical Module

This online platform helps us to scale our efforts. We created the world's first database of safer chemistry for the entire value chain. This digital tool simplifies the search for alternatives. It provides an easy entryway to register and browse safer chemistry solutions. The Gateway builds trust and reduces the administrative burden throughout the value chain.

A Solution for the Entire Industry

The ZDHC Gateway - Chemical Module is a web-based solution that supports the entire value chain. This advanced search engine enables registering and finding chemical formulations that comply with the ZDHC MRSL. It simplifies the search for more sustainable chemicals and best practices.


Chemical formulators that join the ZDHC Gateway play a leading role in advancing the industry towards safer chemical management. When their product conforms to the ZDHC MRSL, they can upload it and show its performance. This platform lets formulators classify their chemical products, while virtual catalogues help them reach out to customers.

ZDHC ChemCheck Report
Formulators can generate a ZDHC ChemCheck Report for their published products on the ZDHC Gateway - Chemical Module. They can use it to assure customers that their chemical products meet ZDHC MRSL requirements. This report can be downloaded, printed or shared electronically via PDF. More info.


Suppliers can browse through a central library of chemical formulations that conform to the ZDHC MRSL. For various chemical products, ZDHC MRSL Conformance Levels and details are available. Suppliers can invite their chemical formulators to register more products on the ZDHC Gateway, which also supports continuous improvement of the ZDHC Gateway chemical inventory.

ZDHC InCheck
This report shows how much a chemical inventory conforms to the requirements of the ZDHC MRSL. A comprehensive overview of a supplier’s chemical inventory and its overall conformance is produced, all in an easy-to-read report. ZDHC InCheck provides clear, understandable results and helpful guidance to increase the use of safer chemistry. More info.


By acting as a library for safer, innovative chemical alternatives, the Gateway increases transparency, while supporting more sustainable procurement decisions. Brands can use the platform to educate their suppliers on the more sustainable procurement options. It also helps in asking suppliers to raise the bar on chemical management.

Increased Efficiencies
The Gateway removes the burden of maintaining positive lists and highlighting preferred chemistry to multiple suppliers. Brands can simply mark their preferences in one place, where suppliers can then find them. In addition, brands can see verified wastewater results via ClearStream Reports. These are based on tests conducted by ZDHC Accepted Laboratories, in accordance with the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.