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Introducing ZDHC Quick Reference Guides

August 14, 2024

The first of the series: Responsible Solvents Approach Quick Reference Guide

At ZDHC, we want our stakeholders to have a comprehensive understanding of our technical documentation, empowering them to successfully follow and implement our guidelines and guides correctly. At the same time, we understand that our detailed documentation may not always be the most reader-friendly, due to their technical specifics and not all of our stakeholders have the same needs for detail. 

That’s why we’re excited to introduce a series of Quick Reference Guides which are concise documents designed to make relevant information more accessible and digestible. These guides distil essential information from their respective technical documents, acting as a valuable starting point for those who:

  • Want a high-level overview before diving into more technical details
  • Need a quick refresher on their specific topic
  • Only need the top-level overview of the subject

We are proud to announce the launch of this initiative with the first guide of the series - 'ZDHC Responsible Solvents Approach Quick Reference Guide!’ 

The ZDHC Responsible Solvents Approach Guide provides suppliers with a to-do checklist to support them in protecting workers and the environment while carrying out the required actions for solvents to ensure responsible emissions and exposure controls. It is a practical tool in supporting their efforts to meet the ZDHC MRSL conformance requirements.

The ‘Responsible Solvents Approach Guide: Quick Reference Guide’ was supported by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the FABRIC Asia regional project.