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Life Cascade Project presented at SETAC - Seville

May 24, 2024

Uninsubria presented the LIFE CASCADE project at the 34th Annual Meeting of SETAC EUROPE, taking place in Seville, Spain (5th-9th May 2024).

Uninsubria presented the LIFE CASCADE project at the 34th Annual Meeting of SETAC EUROPE, taking place in Seville, Spain (5th-9th May 2024).

SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) stands dedicated to advancing environmental science and fostering science-informed decision-making through collaborative efforts in communication, education, and leadership.

The event allowed participants to engage in sharing, debating, discussing, disseminating, and facilitating the use and re-use of their latest scientific insights, to support adaptive and responsive environmental management and protection strategies.

Representing the partners of the LIFE CASCADE Project, the University of Insubria showcased a poster elucidating the primary objectives and outcomes of the project during the session “Microfibre Release From Textiles and Subsequent Pollution: Root Causes, Emission Routes, Effects, and Mitigation”.