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ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module Launch - June 1st

May 30, 2017

After running a successful six month pilot, the ZDHC Foundation is pleased to announce the soft launch of the Chemical Module of the ZDHC Ga

ZDHC Gateway - Chemical Module Launch - June 1st


After running a successful six month pilot, the ZDHC Foundation is pleased to announce the soft launch of the Chemical Module of the ZDHC Gateway on June 1st to the ZDHC Contributor Community.

The Chemical Module of ZDHC’s Gateway makes information on sustainable chemistry broadly available and is an online search tool that will help chemical buyers to choose safer options available in the market.

The product rating in the ZDHC Gateway - Chemical Module is based on third-party product accreditation standards which show to which level (levels ranging from 0 to 3) a chemical product conforms with the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL).  A high level rating of conformance - based on ZDHC’s MRSL Conformance Guidance, indicates a high level confidence that the chemical formulation conforms to the ZDHC MRSL.

“We’re really excited for the launch of this tool, that will be invaluable in providing clear, easily-accessible information on whether a chemical conforms with the ZDHC MRSL.” says ZDHC Executive Director Frank Michel.

“For this next exciting phase, we’re calling on the ZDHC Contributor Community to engage their relevant value chain partners.”

Throughout 2017, the ZDHC Foundation plans to further expand the functionality while continuing to manage the user and database growth. Together with the ZDHC community, the ZDHC Programme will ensure the right balance of chemical formulator and textile supplier participation while significantly accelerating the growth of the Gateway user base as compared to the controlled participation during the pilot phase.

As the ZDHC Gateway improves and evolves, ZDHC will streamline an open system registration process. It is anticipated that in the first quarter of 2018, in addition to eliminating the need for any coordination with ZDHC, the ZDHC Gateway, will be offered to any company within the textile, leather and footwear value chain - even those who are not ZDHC Signatory Brands or Value Chain Affiliates.

If you’re part of the ZDHC Community please contact gateway@zdhc.org to develop your plans to invite your suppliers to participate in the ZDHC Gateway - Chemical Module.