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ZDHC Impact Day 2024: Celebrating Progress, Embracing Collaboration

July 2, 2024

Impact Day 2024 highlights and more!

ZDHC hosted its annual Impact Day, bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and changemakers to reflect on our collective progress and chart the course for a more sustainable future in chemical management. The event was a testament to the power of collaboration and the shared commitment to achieving zero discharge of hazardous chemicals.

Here are the highlights of the Impact Day full-day event:

The Power of Storytelling

Acclaimed filmmaker Roger Williams presented insights from his groundbreaking documentary "River Blue," sparking a passionate discussion on effective storytelling to drive industry change. The panel discussion including Lisa Mazzotta and Bettina Heller (UNEP) emphasised the need for authenticity in driving compelling sustainability stories and providing actionable steps to engage consumers and stakeholders and the journey of systemic change, addressing the complexities and challenges faced by brands, chemical suppliers, and policymakers.

Panel discussion with Roger Williams, Liza Mazzotta, and Bettina Heller
 MRSL Beyond Fashion

Frank Michel (CEO, ZDHC) explored the potential of expanding our Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) beyond the fashion industry, showcasing the benefits of cross-sector alignment in chemical management.

Frank Michel (CEO, ZDHC)
Scott Echols (CIO, ZDHC)
Impact Report Highlights

Scott Echols(CIO, ZDHC) unveiled the most important key metrics from our annual Impact Report, demonstrating the growing adoption of ZDHC tools and the need for enhanced impact measurement. Scott illustrated how monitoring indicators and translating them into actionable data is crucial for measuring and reporting impact. This data-driven approach helps ZDHC and its stakeholders understand and improve the real-world outcomes of their initiatives.

From lab to label

ZDHC, SCTI, and blusign announced their collaboration toward a more sustainable textile, leather, and fashion industry. The Sustainable Chemistry Index (SCI) Methodology, developed in 2022 by bluesign and SCTI, is being donated to ZDHC. This collaboration aims to revolutionise chemical management in the textile, leather, and fashion industries by holistically addressing environmental impact.

ZDHC, SCTI, and blusign collaboration announcement
Navigating New Regulations

A panel of ZDHC experts including Nina Bendias, Klaas Nuttbohm, Janne Koopmans and Vanessa Schulz discussed the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and ZDHC's preparations to support our community in meeting these new requirements.

Panel discussion with Janne Koopmans, Klaas Nuttbohm, and Vanessa Schulz
Celebrating Brand Champions

The day concluded with our Brands to Zero recognition ceremony, honouring 12 brands that achieved Champion status in implementing ZDHC guidelines. These included industry leaders such as Adidas, Burberry, G-Star, H&M, Hugo Boss, Kering Italia Spa, Levi's, Marks and Spencer, NEXT, PUMA Sports, Tesco, and Victoria’s Secret.

As we reflect on Impact Day 2024, we are inspired by the dedication and collaborative spirit of our community. Together, we are driving meaningful change towards a toxic-free future in the textile, leather, and footwear industries.

We thank all participants, speakers, and our committed ZDHC team for making this event a resounding success. Let's continue to harness our collective wisdom, creativity, and determination to drive transformative change.

Stay tuned for more updates and ways to get involved in our journey towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals.

                                                          Click here to view photos from the event!