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ZDHC welcomes a new Signature and another Friend

August 3, 2020

This August we welcome a new ZDHC Contributor and a new Friend of ZDHC.

We are delighted to announce that EKSOY KIMYA has joined our community as a ZDHC Contributor in the Chemical Industry Category. They will play an important role in supporting the Roadmap to Zero Programme.

Additionally, we are excited to announce our newest Friend of ZDHC, the Poland based clothing company LPP!

Chemical Industry

EKSOY KIMYA has focused itself to the textile industry, offering a wide range of products for textile treatment, dyeing and finishing. EKSOY, with strong R&D and textile field knowledge, works also on improving the dyeing process and colour match requirements.


LPP is a Polish clothing company run as a family business, with its headquarter in Gdansk. LPP’s strategy aims at reducing environmental impact by implementation of the goals guiding in Sustainable Development Strategy for 2020-2025.