











The Leader Programme for Joint Implementation & Harmonised Collective Impact

The Brands to Zero  assessment


Discover how ZDHC Signatory Brands are evaluated annually on key performance indicators (KPIs) to enhance sustainable chemical management practices. Brands are categorized into three levels — Pioneer, Accelerator, and Champion — based on their commitment and progress in implementing the Roadmap to Zero Programme.

Understanding the Assessment Process

All ZDHC Signatory Brands are subject to an annual assessment process which evaluates brands on ZDHC-set KPIs. The objective of the assessment is to harmonise the implementation of the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme, measuring and benchmarking the implementation performance of brands and retailers, thus supporting their improvement. Results are based on defined KPIs and metrics, enabling a quantitative, point-based evaluation of a brand’s effort to implement best chemical management practices on a corporate and supply chain level and their success in aligning with ZDHC Guidelines.

The Brands to Zero assessment is annually reviewed and updated, aiming to continuously improve KPIs, levels criteria and the assessment process.

Third-Party Assessor Review:

The assessment process envisages an assessment review by a third-party assessor (KPMG) who will produce a report for each brand to provide key information on their level of implementation. Each report is based on the defined KPIs and metrics.

Brands to Zero Levels:

There are 3 levels awarded: Pioneer, Accelerator, and Champion.

All participating Signatories are graded into three performance levels: Pioneer, Accelerator and Champion, being the highest level. Critical KPIs determine the level achieved by the brand. The ambition to progress through the levels serves as an ongoing incentive for our Signatories to continually improve their performance. More broadly it creates and nurtures a culture of leadership in sustainability and a commitment to ongoing improvement.

A Pioneer (previously Foundational) Level Signatory Brand is committed to the ZDHC guidelines and their implementation in their supply chains, at least partially using the ZDHC platforms and solutions.

An Accelerator (previously Progressive) Level Signatory Brand is committed to the ZDHC guidelines and their implementation in their supply chains by using the ZDHC platforms and solutions and working towards goals set for sustainable chemical management.

A Champion (previously Aspirational) Level Signatory Brand is committed to the ZDHC guidelines and their implementation in their supply chains by using the ZDHC platforms and solutions. Sustainable chemical management goals are integrated with purchasing practices and Champion Signatory Brands reach high supply chain implementation.

ZDHC Assessment

ZDHC Brands to Zero Assessment Principles

The ZDHC Brands to Zero Assessment Principles guide sustainable chemical management in the fashion and footwear industries, supporting brand-specific requirements. It outlines compliance with ZDHC standards and categorizes brands into Pioneer, Accelerator, and Champion levels based on key performance indicators. Brands undergo an annual third-party assessment to track progress, promoting continuous improvement and widespread adoption of best practices.


Brands to Zero Assessment Questionnaire and KPIs

In the Brands to Zero Assessment, the performance on each KPI is assessed by points. The Brands to Zero ‘Assessment Questionnaire’ is structured into four segments. Two of the four segments impact scoring directly: the Corporate Level Segment  and the Supply Chain Performance Segment. Each scored segment consists of multiple performance areas.

Impacting score segments

  • Corporate Level
  • Supply Chain Performance

Not directly impacting score

  • Context questions
  • Calculation Model

Impacting score segments

Corporate Level

The Corporate Level Segment evaluates the brand’s performance with regard to relevant commitments made, setting them into practices and supply chain engagement. Based on the OECD Guidance, goals and strategies set, implementation plans, enabled staff and responsible business practices or decision-making are evaluated here, as well as standard operating procedures.

Supply Chain Performance

The Supply Chain Performance Segment focuses on the brand’s general approach to each of the ZDHC’s guidelines, platforms and solutions. KPIs offer implementation pathways to reduce duplicative efforts and confusion in the supply chain, as they offer options according to the brand’s ambitions and abilities. This segment deals with the brands’ adoption practices, and how they monitor the implementation scale of ZDHC in their supply chain. Furthermore, this segment evaluates the follow-up and corrective action practices that brands have in place if the suppliers do not meet the expectations.

Corporate Level

The Corporate Level Segment evaluates the brand’s performance with regard to relevant commitments made, setting them into practices and supply chain engagement. Based on the OECD Guidance, goals and strategies set, implementation plans, enabled staff and responsible business practices or decision-making are evaluated here, as well as standard operating procedures.

Supply Chain Performance

The Supply Chain Performance Segment focuses on the brand’s general approach to each of the ZDHC’s guidelines, platforms and solutions. KPIs offer implementation pathways to reduce duplicative efforts and confusion in the supply chain, as they offer options according to the brand’s ambitions and abilities. This segment deals with the brands’ adoption practices, and how they monitor the implementation scale of ZDHC in their supply chain. Furthermore, this segment evaluates the follow-up and corrective action practices that brands have in place if the suppliers do not meet the expectations.


Performance Areas contributing to the overall score


Level segment:

Corporate Policy and Strategy
ZDHC Commitment
Internal Enablement
Supply Chain Engagement
Business Integration

Supply Chain Performance
Level segment:

Chemical Management Practices
ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module
ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines
ZDHC ClearStream Reporting

Segments not directly impacting the score

Context questions:

Context Questions help the assessors understand both the scope of the Brands to Zero assessment, and the way in which the brand approaches the respective topics. This will subsequently influence the KPIs, and the Brands to Zero scoring.

Calculation Model:

The Calculation Model informs the basis for assessing the brand’s efforts in implementing ZDHC guidelines, platforms and solutions in its supply chains. Brands are required to provide sufficient data and supporting evidence to enable the assessors to evaluate the following quantitative KPIs in the Corporate Level and Supply Chain Performance level segments. The Calculation Model is directly linked to Monitoring Questions within those segments, where coverage of ZDHC implementation at the supply chain level is determined.

Start Your Journey

Join the Roadmap to Zero Programme to commit to a sustainable future for fashion

Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > ZDHC guidelines, platforms and trainings

The freely available ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) is a single list of chemical substances banned from intentional use during manufacturing processes. To support the implementation of this list we provide the industry with a set of supporting guidelines, a ZDHC Chemical Management System and the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines to ensure a holistic input, process and output management.

Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Access to the ZDHC Gateway

The ZDHC Gateway is available for the ZDHC Community and their supply chain.

Become a Friend
Be part of the ZDHC Community, not as a Contributor, but a Friend. You will get benefits like access to the Gateway and more. 


Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Become a Friend

Friends of ZDHC are organisations who align with ZDHC’s mission, vision and purpose. They can also access ZDHC Solutions and Platforms, which helps them to fast-track their own sustainability programmes.

Friends of ZDHC - General Eligibility Requirements

To apply to becoming a Friend of ZDHC, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Become a ZDHC Signatory Brand

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Contributor. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Contributor, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 3/3


Chemical Formulators > ZDHC Gateway

Expand details

With the ZDHC Gateway Chemical formulators can prove ZDHC MRSL conformance for their products which helps to position as a leader in reducing hazardous chemical use. ZDHC InCheck is an easy-to-read chemical inventory report. It provides an overall score of ZDHC MRSL conformance for all products in the inventory and shows where improvements can be made.

Request Gateway access

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Step 3/3


Chemical Formulators > Become a ZDHC Signatory Chemical Formulator

Expand details

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates.
All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Signatory. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Signatory, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 2/3



ZDHC provides guidance and tools for manufacturing facilities on how to meet ZDHC Signatory Brand requirements and provides the Textile, Apparel, Leather or Footwear Industry with a central library of chemical formulations that conform to the ZDHC MRSL.

The Roadmap to Zero Programme
Find out more about the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme and its Focus Areas. Looking for guidelines like the ZDHC MRSL or the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines? This is the place to look.


InCheck Report
ZDHC InCheck is an easy-to-read chemical inventory report. InCheck helps suppliers to assess and improve their chemical inventory. Comprehensive overviews of their chemical inventory are provided, alongside its overall conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. Suppliers can actively track and improve their performance. They can distinguish their organisation from others and build customer loyalty by showing brands their proactive efforts.


ClearStream Report
ClearStream is a visual, easy-to-read report of a supplier's wastewater performance, as tested against the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. A ClearStream report supports suppliers to easily understand their wastewater performance towards the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. Suppliers also get guidance on opportunities to improve, so they can target their actions and resources.


Use our free material
For suppliers and manufacturers, ZDHC offers guidelines, solutions and platforms for free.


Supplier to Zero
Supplier to Zero empowers supply chain partners. As a brand or a leading manufacturer you can invite your suppliers at all levels. Supplier to Zero will bring them up to speed on implementation of the industry’s leading chemical management system.


Participate in the Programme
Do you not only want to use our guidelines, platforms and solutions but also be part of the creation? Find out more here!


Step 3/3

Suppliers > Learn more about the ZDHC Programme

The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme guides value chains towards a sustainable use of safer chemistry.Safer chemical inputs make a big difference, as long as they are used the right way and when good procedures and best practice are in place, outputs become cleaner, and process works. Measuring indicators such as, wastewater, sludge and air quality validates the work that is being done with chemical inputs and processes. It helps to determine if the output water and air is safer. Our solutions help the industry to transform their value chains.

Step 4/4


Suppliers -  Become a ZDHC Signatory Supplier

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Signatory. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Signatory, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 2/3


Solution Provider

Our Approved Solution Providers are linked to the ZDHC data infrastructure via an API and seamlessly connect to the unique ZDHC platforms. As a solution provider you gain access to ZDHC Gateway infrastructure, an exclusive implementation expert network and access to the brand customer base.

Step 3/4


Solution Provider - Be an Implementation Partner

To maximise impact, we scale our efforts with Implementation Partners who have the know-how - based on years of expertise and ZDHC knowledge - to fast-track chemical management programmes.
As an Implementation Partner of ZDHC you can seamlessly integrate your services with ZDHC's implementation tools and guidance. By this you can accelerate your business and gain new customers.

Step 4/4


Solution Provider - Become an Implementation Partner

Scale up your expertise and solutions by being an Implementation Partner and seamlessly integrate your services with ZDHC's implementation tools and guidance. 

Step 3/3


Become a ZDHC Signatory Approved Solution Provider

Certified standards can indicate a chemical product's conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. Acceptance is awarded at four different levels. Boost the impact of your certified standard. Apply, then follow the steps to earn ZDHC Accepted status.
ZDHC MRSL Conformance Indicatorsreceive exclusive access to the ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module and gain the ability to certify against the ZDHC MRSL.

Step 3/3


Become a ZDHC Signatory Approved Solution Provider

ZDHC Accepted Wastewater Laboratories deliver and verify wastewater and sludge testing data. Make your lab part of this global effort to drive transparency in the industry.
ZDHC Wastewater Testing Laboratories receive exclusive access to the ZDHC Gateway: Wastewater Module to upload any test against the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.

Step 3/3


Solution Provider - Become a ZDHC Contributor

Currently not possible as this category is on hold.

Step 2/3


Want to participate in the ZDHC Programme and help to develop guidelines, solutions and platforms.

Step 3/3

Associate - Become a Contributor

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Contributor. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Contributor, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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