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ADIF and ZDHC announce collaboration

April 12, 2019

ADIF and ZDHC announce collaboration during the 2019 China InterDye exhibition the China Dyestuff Industry Association (CDIA).

Asia Dyestuff Industry Federation (ADIF) and ZDHC announce collaboration


During the 2019 China InterDye exhibition the China Dyestuff Industry Association (CDIA), the Asia Dyestuff Industry Federation (ADIF) and ZDHC organised a joint information event, which included the announcement of ADIF joining ZDHC as Contributor. The event also marks the start of a collaboration which is expected to significantly accelerate sustainable chemical management uptake across the Asia region.

The new partnership between ADIF and ZDHC will centre around a standardised way to manage input chemistry in the textile and leather sectors and to reinforce the importance of harmonised tools and implementation approaches on sustainable chemical management across the supply chains. Other key aspects of the collaboration will include awareness raising and knowledge exchange, as well as innovation and best practice showcases from the dyestuff producers in Asia.

ADIF is the representation of dyestuff associations and manufacturers in the Asia region, which accounts for 80% of the dyestuff production capacity worldwide.