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Exciting Changes to Supplier to Zero - Level 2 Certification

August 26, 2024

Special promotion for Supplier to Zero - Level 2 certification process!

We are thrilled to announce a special promotion for our Supplier to Zero - Level 2 certification process. This temporary offer aims to increase accessibility and streamline the Level 2 application procedure.

Limited-Time Promotion
  • Duration: 1 September - 13 October 2024
  • Offer: ZDHC Certification & Platform fee waived (€0) during this period
  • Required payment: Only the third-party reviewer fee
Key Points to Remember
  1. This is a temporary promotion. The ZDHC fee will be reinstated after 13 October 2024.
  2. We are transitioning to a two-payment system:some text
    • ZDHC platform and certification fee (waived during promotion)
    • Third-party reviewer fee (paid directly to reviewers)
Benefits for Our Community
  • Reduced costs during the promotion period
  • Opportunity to achieve Level 2 certification at a lower cost
  • Encourage suppliers to reach Level 2 certification
  • Potential for a more sustainable supply chain
Third-Party Reviewers
  • Increased demand for services
  • Opportunity to complete pending applications
What This Means for You
  1. Suppliers: Take advantage of this limited-time offer to upgrade your certification.
  2. Brands: Encourage your suppliers to apply for Level 2 certification during this cost-effective period.
  3. Third-Party Reviewers: Prepare for increased demand and ensure timely completion of reviews.
Next Steps
  • Mark your calendars for the promotion period: 1 September - 13 October 2024
  • Suppliers: Begin preparing your Level 2 application
  • Brands: Inform your suppliers about this opportunity
  • Third-Party Reviewers: Ensure capacity to handle increased applications

We believe this promotion will benefit our entire community, fostering greater sustainability in the textile, leather, and footwear industries. Remember, this is a limited-time offer, so act quickly to take advantage of the waived ZDHC fee.