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Four new organisations become ZDHC Signatories

January 23, 2019

ZDHC is pleased to announce the addition of four new organisations to its base of Contributors.

Further growth in the ZDHC Contributor Base as four new organisations join this month


The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme is pleased to announce the addition of four new organisations to its base of Contributors. This month, all five organisations join other ZDHC Contributors in a collaborative effort to drive sustainable chemical management in the sector.

Joining in the Value Chain category are:

Chemical Industry:

  • Eurodye-CTC is a Belgian company that develops, produces and sells textile chemicals worldwide (over 60 countries). Eurodye-CTC also provides a full range of textile chemicals for the processing of wool, cashmere and blends with other synthetic fibres for all stages of production from raw fibre scouring through the cycle to the finished article.

Solution Provider:

  • Centrocot SpA performs more than 1800 laboratory Tests according to UNI CEI EN  ISO/IEC 17025 requirements. Furthermore, it offers OEKO-TEX® and PPE certifications, training courses, R&D Projects and other technical services in textiles, leather, clothing, accessories, fashion, furniture and packaging. Based in Busto Arsizio, Italy it has a particular focus on technical, innovative and sustainable issues.
  • Japan Textile Products Quality and Technology Center (QTEC)  is based in Tokyo and is the second ZDHC Contributor from Japan. The company has been in business since 1948 and used to provide a national level of quality assurance for export Japanese-made textile products. Today they conduct testing and inspection on a wide variety of textile products such as flammability, down & feather, and microbiological testings in Japan and South East Asia.

Textile Industry:

  • Envoy Textiles Limited (ETL) is the 1st LEED Platinum certified denim mill in the world. ETL has achieved nine national and international awards. It covers all types of textiles sustainability practices with international standards certification. Continuous innovation in Envoy’s R&D centre makes its product range and quality Unique from others.  ETL is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

These five new contributors bring to 125 the total number of sports, fashion, luxury and outdoor organisations committed to the ZDHC Programme (27 brands, 80 value chain affiliates, and 18 associates). For the full list, please click here.