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Have you tried the On-site App for Wastewater Sampling yet? It will be mandatory in November!

September 24, 2024

explore the full potential of the Onsite App

The On-site App provides step-by-step guidance to support the Sampler in all their work, right on the factory floor.

We want to encourage all ZDHC Approved Wastewater Laboratories to explore the full potential of the Onsite App.

Don’t miss the opportunity to familiarise yourself with this tool before its use will be mandatory in November 2024.

During the May-October 2024 sampling cycle, the objective is to have at least 50% of the sampling activity handled via the On-site App.

Starting from November 2024 we will transition to a full, mandatory use of the On-site App for all wastewater sampling activities.

Click here to get more information on this topic from our Knowledge Base or get in touch with support@zdhc.org for questions or feedback.