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Time to Take a Stand: My Reflections from NYC Climate Week 2024

October 15, 2024

Written by Lauren Zahringer

Lauren is focused on the growth, development and strengthening of ZDHC’s global signatory community. Reach out to her at signup@zdhc.org. To see more of her work, check out her Linkedin Profile.

As I stepped into the bustling energy of New York City for Climate Week 2024, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency and excitement. On behalf of ZDHC, I was there to learn, connect, and explore how we can further our mission of clean fashion and production.

On the flight back to Amsterdam, I began to reflect on the week—the discussions, networking events, workshops, and keynotes. I realised that the overarching learning for me was clear from the very start of the week—which is: it's time to take a stand.

The Power of Taking a Stand

Just as one person rising in a theatre can spark a standing ovation, our commitments can catalyse collective transformation. Speaking at the 'Financing Fashion's Decarbonization Initiatives' event hosted by The Fashion Pact, J. Crew, and Tapestry, Paul Polman set a high bar for leadership, taking a stand for moral leadership and a Net Positive Fashion Industry.

Yet, as William McDonough humorously and importantly pointed out, "We're not that intelligent of a species - it took us thousands of years to put wheels on luggage." However, what matters most is our commitment to something beyond ourselves – and movements are something humans are pretty good at.

As Textile Exchange’s Claire Bergkamp underscored, we must not unconsciously live in the patterns and cycles of the past. If it hasn’t been done yet, it does not mean it can’t be done.

My top 4 Takeaways & Insights from the Week

  1. From Reaction to Action – The fashion industry stands at a crossroads. We have the knowledge, the technology, and the resources to make significant changes. What we need now is the courage to move from reaction to action. This means not just acknowledging the problems, but actively implementing solutions—whether it's adopting sustainable materials, redesigning supply chains, or innovating in circular business models.
  2. Regenerative Economies and Circular Systems At the ReAssembly event by Regeneration VC, discussions centreed on igniting systemic change and solutions to put our economic, social, and planetary realities back into coherence and alignment with planetary boundaries. For fashion, this means embracing circular business models, in-setting solutions as key levers for positive impact, and eradicating the use of toxic materials in production and manufacturing.
  3. Embrace the Opportunities of Regulatory Frameworks –The introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) presents not just challenges but, more importantly, opportunities for innovation and empowerment. These frameworks can guide us towards more sustainable practices and transparent reporting and put businesses on the path toward stakeholder-value creation much more quickly.  
  4. Take Leadership in Financing Transformation – A recurring theme throughout the week was the need to reassess and redirect our resources. Sandrine Dixon challenged the idea of the financial "burden" of transitioning to sustainable practices. Isn't it, instead, an investment in our future? Further directing our attention to consider what we’ve become accustomed to, shining a light on the status quo of corporate executive pay and profit distribution. Do we have limited resources, or are they stuck in outdated systems, impractical norms, and expectations?

ZDHC& Circularity: Enabling a Toxic-Free New Fashion Cycle

To Enable a Toxic-Free New Fashion Cycle, we envision a fashion ecosystem where nothing goes to waste. To catalyse the transition to circularity, by 2030, we are working to partner with innovators and organisations pioneering innovative recycling technologies that preserve fibre quality and deepen and scale implementation of the Roadmap to Zero to ensure no hazardous chemicals go into waste streams.

ZDHC& Biodiversity: Where Chemistry Supports Life

We believe fashion must not come at the cost of our planet's life and biodiversity. Our commitment to biodiversity includes:

  • Leading research and data collection into the impact of Roadmap to Zero implementation and sustainable chemistry on biodiversity
  • Supporting and promoting local initiatives that ensure our supply chains protect and restore critical habitats
  • Encouraging regenerative agricultural practices for natural fibres and bio-based alternatives to synthetic materials that support rather than deplete ecosystems

ZDHC & Climate Action: Ensuring Air Quality and a Cooler Future

The climate crisis demands bold action. By 2030, we pledge to:

  • Drive industry-wide adoption of renewable energy across manufacturing processes
  • Boost the Innovations of low-carbon dyeing and finishing technologies
  • Support signatory partners insetting and achieving science-based targets for emissions reduction
  • Implement Air EmissionsGuidelines, bringing this roadmap to zero to the industry to lead the way to clean air and air pollution reduction

ZDHC & Water Stewardship: Leading Protection for Future Restoration

Clean water is the lifeblood of both our industry and our planet. Our water stewardship goals include:

  • Achieving zero liquid discharge in 50% of textile manufacturing facilities within our network
  • Implementing water recycling systems that reduce freshwater consumption by 70%
  • Restoring and protecting watersheds in key production regions

ZDHC & Community + Innovation to Empower the Next Generation

Our strength lies in our collaborative spirit. We will:

  • Multiply the value and strength of our ZDHC Committed Community by fostering partnerships between brands, suppliers, and innovators
  • Empower the next generation of fashion professionals through comprehensive education, training programs and recognition via the ZDHC Academy and Brands to Zero initiative
  • Invest in cutting-edge research and development for sustainable chemistry solutions, the ZDHC academy and Brands toZero

A Call to Action

To my fellow industry colleagues and peers in global fashion (and beyond) and ZDHC Signatories, I ask: What will you take a stand for? Global solidarity? The end of pollution? 100% renewable energy? A net-positive fashion industry? Let us embrace the power and freedom of commitment.

Let's move beyond indecision, toxic thinking, and stress into coherence and engagement with curiosity and collaboration. We have everything we need to create transformative change now.

Will you stand with us?

Together, I know we can create a fashion industry that's not just sustainable but regenerative and life-affirming. Let's keep this momentum going and make our stand for a cleaner, brighter future in fashion.