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China Synthetic Leather Industry...

August 22, 2016

On August 14 in Lanzhou, China, the China Synthetic Leather Sustainable Supply Chain Industry Innovation Coalition was formed...

China Synthetic Leather Industry Takes Action Towards ZDHC


On August 14 in Lanzhou, China, the China Synthetic Leather Sustainable Supply Chain Industry Innovation Coalition was formed and an implementation meeting for ZDHC was held.

This meeting was held in conjunction with the Artificial & Synthetic Leather Committee of China Plastics Processing Industry Association and almost 50 companies from the synthetic leather supply chain were present. Lydia Lin, ZDHC Asia Director says:

“These company have joined this coalition to completely implement hazardous chemical control and will disclose the result publicly. Furthermore, the initiative has been fully supported by local government.”

The next step for the coalition is to conduct a baseline investigation of the industry's hazardous chemical control, using ZDHC tools to pilot, identify best practices, and then work together with ZDHC to lead the industry towards hazardous chemical control.