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Draft Wastewater Guidelines

July 12, 2016

The ZDHC Programme is inviting interested stakeholders to contribute to the development of the ZDHC Draft Wastewater Guidelines.

Draft Wastewater Guidelines Open for Public Consultation


Development of New Wastewater Guidelines

In 2015, the ZDHC Programme conducted a review of existing wastewater guidelines which revealed that wastewater guidelines published by different brands, as well as amongst multi-brand consortia, vary greatly.

To coordinate industry efforts, reduce duplication and clarify requirements throughout the value-chain, the ZDHC Programme is creating a single, unified wastewater discharge expectation for the entire industry, one that goes beyond regulatory compliance.

Invitation for Public Review

In the spirit of collaboration, the ZDHC Programme is inviting representatives from government, civil society, the private sector and other interested stakeholders to contribute to the development of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.

Draft Document Only

Download the Draft Wastewater Guidelines here.

Please note, this document is not finalised. It is being provided in draft format for public consultation. Public consultation commences July 12 and concludes August 14, 2016 - 5pm (CET)

Content of Submissions

Submissions must be relevant to the proposed ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.

In addition, submissions should include:

  • Suggested improvements; and
  • Whether or not you support the guidelines.

If you do not support the guidelines, please make suggestions for an alternative that is acceptable to you.

Submission Process

All feedback should be sent to roadmap@zdhc.org via the tracking sheet, which can be downloaded here.

In order to be considered, all comments must be included in the tracking sheet - comments not in the tracking sheet will not be considered.  Comments received will inform the development of the finalised ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines due for release September 2016.

If you have any questions, please email: roadmap@zdhc.org