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Milestone Achieve­­­­­ments in 2014 Annual Report

April 1, 2015

Presented is the progress towards an improvement of environmental responsibility.

ZDHC Group Presents Milestone Achievements Towards Zero Discharge in 2014 Annual Report


Annual Report 2014

Released today, the ZDHC Group’s 2014 Annual Report presents tangible progress towards leading the textile industry to improved environmental responsibility.

The Group continued to develop and deploy tools designed to assist dye houses, chemical suppliers, other brands and key stakeholders to adopt ambitious chemical management standards including a landmark Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL) and chemicals management training curriculum for suppliers in Asia.

Highlights of accomplishments in 2014 include:

  • Developed and published the ZDHC MRSL for priority chemical phase out.
  • Provided MRSL training and developed chemical guidance sheets in six languages to assist mills and suppliers with the phase-out and substitution of substances restricted on the ZDHC MRSL.
  • Developed and published a framework for prioritising hazardous chemicals for elimination or substitution and a Research List of substances for which safer alternatives will be sought.
  • Prepared and conducted ZDHC Chemicals Management Training for suppliers in China, Bangladesh, Vietnam and India.
  • Conducted and summarised key finding from 25 pilot audits across eight countries at wet processing facilities using the Environmental Audit Protocol, Version 1.0, some member brands began implementation using the protocol.
  • Formalised a ZDHC workstream specifically focused on the standards for data collection necessary to measure progress against ZDHC goals.
  • Continued collaboration with leading industry associations, including the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, Outdoor Industry Association, Global Social Compliance Programme (GSCP), Leather Working Group (LWG), OEKOTEX®, bluesign® and Solidaridad to align tools and collaboration.
  • Continued engagement with key organisations in Bangladesh, China (including the China Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs [IPE], China Ministry of Environmental Protection [MEP], the Taiwan Textile Federation and the China National Textile and Apparel Council [CNTAC]), India and Vietnam.
  • Conducted extensive research on chemical disclosure methodologies, issued the 2014 Right-to-Know Chemical Disclosure Methodology Research report and worked closely with the European Union Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR) Commission and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on right to know.
  • Developed draft Chemical Management System Manual to assist brands, retailers, Tier 1 and 2 suppliers and chemical suppliers to improve chemical management and assist in moving towards zero discharge.

Read the full report here.