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The China Textile Information Center Commits to ZDHC

December 9, 2016

ZDHC deepens its engagement in China by welcoming the China Textile Information Center (CTIC) as its newest associate contributor.

The China Textile Information Center (CTIC) Commits to ZDHC


Today, the ZDHC Programme, a collaboration of signatory brands, value chain affiliates and associates, deepens its engagement in China by welcoming the China Textile Information Center (CTIC) as its newest associate contributor.

CTIC is a China national-level, state-owned research institution in the textile industry and is managed by the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC). CNTAC is an industry federation which represents all textile related industries in China and earlier this year, launched its Chemicals Stewardship 2020 Initiative.

CNTAC’s Chemicals Stewardship 2020 Initiative is a cross-industry policy framework aimed at minimising the adverse effects of chemicals on human health and the environment and at the launch of this initiative, CNTAC and ZDHC announced a formal collaboration agreement.  

Today, this is strengthened with CTIC’s commitment to ZDHC as an associate contributor. As ZDHC’s Asia Director Lydia Lin explains, this provides a significant opportunity for ZDHC to achieve impact across China.

“With CTIC joining ZDHC as an official contributor, there is increased opportunity for the harmonisation and alignment between ZDHC and CNTAC’s Chemical Stewardship 2020 initiative. Further, this creates momentum for China’s domestic brands and manufacturers to join the hazardous chemicals control movement in China.”

ZDHC takes a holistic approach to improving chemical management across the textile and footwear value chain and emphasises that industry collaboration is essential to achieving its goal.

All contributors to the ZDHC Programme commit to working collaboratively on the development and implementation of ZDHC standards and tools and to the goal of the elimination of hazardous chemicals within the textile and footwear industry.

Last month, ZDHC released its Wastewater Guidelines which set  a unified expectation on wastewater quality for the entire textile and footwear industry. ZDHC is now urging all actors within the value chain to adopt them. ZDHC’s Executive Director Frank Michel said:

“Addressing this environmental challenge cannot be achieved alone. To achieve meaningful, long-lasting impact, we need the entire industry, including NGOs, to adopt and support this standard.”

The ZDHC Programme began in 2011 with six leading brands, and today consists of 22 Signatory Brands, 18 value chain affiliates and eight associates.